How to Really Rest as a Highly Sensitive Person + What Human Design Says About Rest (Episode 15)

Black woman reading on her bed cuddling dog

How restful are your weekends?

Do you wake up on Saturday mornings planning to do your chores and errands first to get them over with, and then, before you know it, you get to Sunday and you realize you never stopped doing tasks?

On Sunday night, you feel tense about starting a new week because you had zero time to rest and recharge. 

I have been there. 

Then, learning about Human Design, I discovered that the body’s most powerful energy motor, the Sacral Center, turns on in response to opportunities that light you up. And I started to rethink how I use my free time for rest, switching up my priorities to focus on doing what feels good and restorative first, before doing anything else.

We live in an anti-rest culture and are conditioned to pack our days full and to be productive 7 days of the week. 

But the good news is that there’s a cultural pushback occurring. People are talking more and more about creating an anti-hustle culture. One that prioritizes well-being, really resting, and having more by doing less. 

This is a movement that is good for empathic highly sensitive people, giving more acceptance to the notion that resting doesn’t mean weakness or laziness, but is instead an act of care and self-love, and an expression of how you value yourself and your physical and emotional health. 

And so in the latest episode of the podcast, I’m talking all about rest. You will learn…

  • What Human Design teaches us about energy and rest

  • How I define rest

  • 6 signs you need to rest

  • Why it’s essential to prioritize real rest to remain vital, especially right now

  • 2 types of rest and why you may need both

  • 25 ideas for resting

I hope this episode will give you a nudge to rest in a way that works for you. 

Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode

Episode 3, How to Cope with Intense Situations as a Highly Sensitive Person

Episode 4, How to Cope with your Feelings as a Highly Sensitive Person

Episode 10, An Introduction to Human Design for Highly Sensitive People

Episode 11, Got Empath Overload? What Human Design Shows You About Being an Empath + How to Cope

Episode 12, Exhaustion, Hustle + Burnout: What Human Design Can Teach HSPs About Fatigue

Grab my free guide to getting started with Human Design for HSPs

Grab a 50-page written guide to your unique Human Design. Receive a downloadable custom blueprint to guide you as you begin to incorporate the principles of Human Design in your life, based on your unique Human Design Chart. I custom create each guide.

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