One Simple Question to Help You Know if You’re Living in Alignment (for Highly Sensitive People)

When was the last time your heart naturally overflowed with gratitude?

I’m not talking about the last time you pulled out your bullet journal and wrote down 3 things you’re thankful for.

I’m talking about spontaneous gratitude. 

You’re in the shower or walking the dog and you’re overwhelmed by how thankful you are to have the life you’re living. 

As an HSP, you know when something feels cosmically right. And in that moment, deep down, you know you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. You feel complete peace about your life.

Is your life on the right path? Or is your heart calling you to do something else? One simple question can help you know if you’re living in alignment. Plus, learn about a tool that can help you reconnect to your inner compass, if you’ve lost touch …

There was a time in my life that was not my reality. 

I’d been doing all the things I should be doing. I was in my mid-30s, had a job and was married. 

But I’d ignored that little voice in the back of my head that said I was marrying the wrong person. 

I’d become good at ignoring that little voice. 

As an HSP, I was always told that I over thought things and felt too much, so I’d shut down that part of myself long ago. I pushed past the moments of doubt so much that I had a secret room full of them. 

Just like the secret room in your basement with the piles of old clothes next to the exercise bike that you never use. It’s the room you hide from guests and keep locked tight, pretending it isn’t there. 

The idea of looking inside is too overwhelming. If you look, you’re sure you’ll have to make a cascade of tricky decisions that you’re not ready to face yet. 

But then the secret room keeps you up at night. You can’t sleep because, even though there’s a lock on that door, it’s still there waiting to be dealt with.

How do we get to this point? For me, it was bypassing what my heart said to do and instead doing what I thought was expected of me. I was in my 30s and felt the pressure to get married.

We’ve been told to make decisions from our mind and to use a pros and cons list to think things through. But that’s not how we make our best decisions. 

We each have our own unique way of knowing our truth, and it comes from listening to our body and emotions.  

You may call it listening to your gut, your intuition, a spark of insight, or just connecting to a deep “knowing”. This is where your truth lies. Which is why, when something is out of whack, this part of you chimes in. 

For me, soon enough, I started having more and more trouble walking by that locked room. 

It was harder to find moments of life to be spontaneously and deeply grateful for. 

And that’s when I admitted to myself that something had to change with my first marriage.

Your room may be a relationship that’s off, a job that’s sucking the life out of you. Or a pace of life and stress levels that give you insomnia. Or any set of circumstances that leave you wishing you were somewhere else or living a different life. 

The good news is that it’s not too late to create an aligned and grateful life. 

How, you ask? I’ll tell ya.

How to create an aligned life

Learn to tune into your gut or intuitive knowing and then follow its directions.

In my experience, the best way to tune in is to learn about your Human Design.

Why do we need a tool to tune in? Because we’ve been internalizing messages about how we should live from the time we were little. We need help to see through the layers of conditioning to reconnect with our true selves.

I wish I’d known about this tool before I walked down the aisle that first time.

As I wrote about in my blog post, Connect to Your True Self with Human Design (for Highly Sensitive People), Human Design teaches you how to tune into your inner truth from moment to moment. And it rewrites the story you have about yourself, dialing in on your strengths and expanding your sense of your true capabilities. So you can take action without second-guessing yourself and connect to a new sense of confidence.

In Human Design, you have what’s called a Strategy and Inner Authority. Your Strategy tells you the correct way for you to take action and navigate the world based on your unique energy makeup. Your Inner Authority tells you how to tap into your body’s intelligence to make decisions that are correct for you.

Without knowing much more about your Human Design, you can begin to experience shifts in your life by following your Strategy and Inner Authority.

If your intuition is calling you, and when the time is right, you can get started with Human Design by running your free chart using your birth date, birth time and birth city and state at Then look for your Strategy and Authority on your printout.

To learn more about your Strategy and Inner Authority, visit my blog post, Connect to Your True Self with Human Design (for Highly Sensitive People).

If you’re interested in learning more about your Human Design from me, learn about my personalized energy guides.

Alignment lets you live more alive

Deciding to end my first marriage was the beginning of coming home to myself. Of course, it was painful in the short-term, but it opened me up to a whole new way of living in alignment with my truth. 

It showed me I could make hard choices on behalf of my well-being and live more alive than I’d ever imagined. 

After all, we are here to live alive and perhaps that’s what alignment is. Being consciously connected to ourselves and honoring our truth. No parts left behind or locked in a secret room.

What I know for sure is that what’s true about you is uniquely beautiful and deserves to see the full light of day. 

Want to learn more about how to tune into your inner truth using Human Design?

Start here:

Connect to Your True Self with Human Design (for Highly Sensitive People)

Human Design: A Tool for Building a Life That Feeds Your Soul as a Highly Sensitive Person