A Simple Tool to Break Through Analysis Paralysis + Procrastination as a Highly Sensitive Person (Episode 7)
Call it analysis paralysis, avoiding, resisting, or procrastinating.
As a highly sensitive person, I’ve done my fair share of putting off doing things that disrupt my inner serenity. At that moment, overthinking feels like a way to outsmart risk.
HSPs have what researchers call a “pause and check” response. We stop and observe a situation before diving in. It’s part of our innate survival response. And since the trait of high sensitivity shows up in over 100 species, you can even see it when you spot a pack of deer wading into a pond for a cool drink. You may notice one or two holding back, taking their time and making sure it’s safe to grab some water.
My hesitating and holding back happened with so many things. Having a hard conversation, initiating a breakup, setting a boundary, making an important phone call.
It’s easy to find yourself stuck in analysis paralysis, trying to think your way into feeling ready to take action.
If you find that you’re feeling bored or uninspired in your life, maybe you’re protecting yourself and holding back too much.
In this episode, you will learn...
One sign that you’re in analysis paralysis and trying to think your way into feeling ready.
How to discover what’s aligned for you to do, since taking aligned action naturally bolsters your desire to move forward.
One simple tool to help you take action when you’re stepping out of your comfort zone.
I’ve stayed stuck many times, trying to think my way into feeling ready. I know how this can become a trap for HSPs.
I want you to have another way to proceed so that your life expands into the life you want rather than stagnating and contracting. So the next time you’re trying to think your way into feeling ready, you’ll know the rightness of acting and be able to move forward.
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Links + Resources Mentioned in this Episode
How to Cope with Intense Situations, Episode 3, The Happy Highly Sensitive Life Podcast
The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins
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