One Simple Question to Help You Know if You’re Living in Alignment (for Highly Sensitive People)
Blog, Self-acceptanceMarya Choby, MSW, CHCAlignment, gratitude, human design, authenticity, inner truth, what is alignment, Passion & Purpose
5 Signs You’re Overdoing It as a Highly Sensitive Person
Blog, Self-acceptanceMarya Choby, MSW, CHCSigns of Overstimulation, Emotional and Physical Exhaustion, Fatigue, Work for HSPs, Alignment, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
Do You Long to Live Authentically as a Spiritual Highly Sensitive Person? Read This
Blog, Self-acceptance, SpiritualityMarya Choby, MSW, CHCLife purpose, Fulfill your life purpose, Live your truth, Live authentically, Spirituality, like-minded people, Rumi, Mary Oliver, Building a heart-centered community, Passion & Purpose
6 Ways to Reduce Work Stress as a Highly Sensitive Person
Blog, Setting Boundaries, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCWait for the right time, Batch working as an HSP, Voluntary Simplicity, Your Money or Your Life, Adam Grant, Avoid the rat race as an HSP, Steve Jobs, Lower work stress, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
Trying to Toughen Up as an HSP? Try This Instead
Blog, Resilience, Self-acceptanceMarya Choby, MSW, CHCthick skin, toughen up, self-compassion, self-acceptance, too sensitive, coping strategies for HSPs, happiness, boundaries, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
11 Ways to Cope with a Breakup as a Highly Sensitive Person
Blog, Relationships, Dating, Setting Boundaries, Self-acceptance, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCCoping strategies for HSPs, Getting over a breakup as an HSP, Highly Sensitive Person in love, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
How to Pick an Emotionally Supportive Partner (as a Highly Sensitive Person)
Blog, Relationships, Self-acceptance, Setting BoundariesMarya Choby, MSW, CHCDating as a highly sensitive person, Breaking relationship patterns, Relationship skills, Relationship coaching, Living as a HSP
How to Be Calm and Confident When Making New Friends as a Highly Sensitive Person
Blog, Friendship, Self-acceptance, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCmindfulness, how to make new friends, nervous talking, confidence, Calm your nerves, Grounding, What to do about speaking without thinking, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
10 Easy Ways to Make Healthy Eating a Habit as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Well-being, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCHealthy eating tips, how to start eating healthy, plans for eating healthy, clean eating, how to eat healthier, how to start eating real food, Eat more plants, Eat less sugar, Physical Wellbeing
5 Simple Ways to Find Comfort When You’re Upset as a Highly Sensitive Person
Well-being, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCSelf-care, comfort, overwhelm, pandemic, upset, grief and loss, Emotional Wellbeing
8 Ways to Improve Your Mood When Pandemic Life is Wearing You Down
Well-being, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCPandemic, Bad mood, Mindset, Resilience, Energy and mood, Feel better, Improve your mood
This Science-Backed Mantra Will Help You Shine Under Pressure When All Eyes Are On You (for Highly Sensitive People)
Well-being, Work, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCKelly McGonigal, The Upside of Stress, overcoming performance anxiety, mindset, anxiety, science-backed, Reframe fear as excitement, Reframe anxiety as excitement, Living as a HSP
Do This 1 Thing To Boost Your Mood and Feel Less Overwhelmed (As a Highly Sensitive Person)
Well-being, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCKelly McGonigal, benefits of exercise, reduce anxiety, increase optimism, boost your mood, boost your confidence, feel strong, Endocannabinoids, Don't worry be happy chemical, overwhelm, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
How To Do Hard Things As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Well-being, Relationships, Work, Blog, Setting Boundaries, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCResilience, Solve a hard problem, Finding creative solutions, Loving kindness meditation, Journaling, 5 Second Rule, Benefits of exercise, Observe rather than absorb emotion, Living as a HSP, Emotional Wellbeing
3 Ways to Feel More Courageous Today
Well-being, Work, Relationships, Blog, Setting Boundaries, Peaceful Mind & Body, Self-acceptanceMarya Choby, MSW, CHCCourage, breath of fire, vagus nerve, cold challenge, exercise, solar plexus, anxiety cures, avoiding a problem, Emotional Wellbeing
How to Deal with Powerful Emotions as a Highly Sensitive Activist
Well-being, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCracial justice, racial equity, activism, racial ally, white ally, confronting bias, coping with big emotions, growth mindset
8 Ways to Manage Your Mind & Deal with Disappointment
Well-being, Surviving Stress, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCCoping with infertility, Rumination, Overthinking, COVID-19, Pandemic, Coping with Chronic illness, Dealing with failure, Radical acceptance, Accepting life as it is, Emotional Wellbeing
5 Simple Ways to Eat a Variety of Vegetables Every Week
Well-being, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCeat more vegetables, 30 varieties of vegetables a week, how to eat more vegetables for breakfast, how to eat vegetables for dinner, eat more vegetables benefits, how to eat more raw vegetables, eat more color, how to make a salad bar at home, 30 a week, Gut Microbiome, Gut healing, Gut inflammation, Gut Microbiome Testing, Physical Wellbeing
5 Science-Backed Ways To Tap Into Inner Strength & Cope With A Crisis As A Highly Sensitive Person(HSP)
Well-being, Resilience, Blog, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCSurviving a crisis, healthy coping, self-care, coping skills, brain training, manage your mind, inner strength, amygdala, prefrontal cortex, crying, gratitude, optimism, benefits of physical touch, writing, Emotional Wellbeing
How To Start Your Search For A Virtual Job: Rethinking Work As A Highly Sensitive Person
Work, Self-acceptance, Peaceful Mind & BodyMarya Choby, MSW, CHCRemote jobs, virtual jobs, flex jobs, remote job boards, how to find flex jobs, remote virtual employment, full-time virtual jobs, remote job advice, FlexJobs, Virtual Vocations